Mission Statement

This is what we stand for.

We cover the market needs in the field of "TECHNOLOGY FOR FOOD PRODUCTION" and want to supply industry and trade comprehensively with machines, plants as well as services and accessories of all kinds. Our core competence lies in meat processing. Furthermore, we offer solutions for milk, flour and vegetable processing.

Our market services are advanced, application and environment friendly.

We maintain a relationship with our customers based on partnership, in which they call on us as problem solvers. The customer is an essential factor in securing our existence.

An aggressive marketing policy and a stringent image enable us to exploit the market to the full.



We consider the preservation of jobs and independence to be very important goals. It is important for the entire company to maintain our freedom of decision.

At the heart of our company are our well-trained and motivated employees. Interest in the work to be done and in personal development is central. In addition, we demand full identification with the company's policies and objectives. This is rewarded accordingly and supported by well-developed social benefits.

In order to ensure the long-term existence and further development of the company, we generate the necessary profit. In short:

Josef Koch AG - technology that creates enjoyment.

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