Technology that
creates enjoyment

Josef Koch AG sees itself as a progressive partner and qualified problem solver in the field of industrial and commercial food production.

The main focus of our market performance is in the field of meat production. In addition, dairy processing is also one of our strengths. Due to the rethinking of consumers and the trend towards vegetarian and vegan food, the processing of plant-based products is also part of our target group. Koch offers hygiene equipment as well as innovative machines and devices for all food production companies, independent of the industry. Based in Malters, Lucerne, the family-owned company with more than 30 employees represents many quality brands of global companies on the Swiss market and convinces with a comprehensive market performance.

What you can expect from us

Sound advice

Sound advice

Committed and reliable service

Committed and reliable service

Planning of slaughtering and processing technology

Planning of slaughtering and processing technology

Special machine construction

Special machine construction

Knife grinding service

Knife grinding service

Leading technology from world companies

Leading technology from world companies


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