IFFA 2025

Visit us at the IFFA from May 03-08, 2025
in Frankfurt / Hall 8.0, Stand F49

IFFA is the leading international trade fair for the meat and protein industry and takes place every three years. Manufacturers from all over the world showcase solutions for processing and packaging meat and alternative proteins, innovative ingredients and trends at the point of sale. The trade visitors come from the protein processing industry, the butcher's trade, the food trade, the food service industry and a wide range of supplier industries.

Visit us in hall 8.0 / stand F49.
The team of Josef Koch AG is looking forward to your visit and welcomes you warmly.

Tickets are now available from us.
Simply send an e-mail to: nicole.koch@josefkoch.ch

IFFA 2025
Ankleideraum begehbarer KleiderschrankBrandingChromstahlpoolsCoverSeal - Schwimmbad Abdeckung Erdsondenbohrungen, Brunnenbohrungen, FrostschutzeinspülungHochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitHotelpools aus ChromstahlKommunikation & Design Küchenbau nach MassMauchle PoolMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungMicrosoft 365 BackupNilfisk SaugerPflastersteinePrivate AussenpoolsSchule für Massage, Kosmetik, FusspflegeSEO & SEA Strategie Solartechnik Schweiz Unternehmenskommunikation VerpackungsdesignVerpackungsdesign LuzernWAB ZentralschweizWebagentur Luzern, SurseeWhirlpool Zahnärzte Kalt & Willi