Open positions

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Working at Josef Koch AG

Josef Koch AG sees itself as a progressive partner and qualified problem solver in the field of industrial and commercial food production.
Our well-trained and motivated employees form the heart of our company. Interest in the work to be done and in personal development is central.
Would you like to contribute to this mission? Find out more about our wide range of job opportunities here.

We look forward to receiving your application.

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Open positions / jobs
Branding Agentur LuzernBrunnenbohrungenChromstahlpoolsDigital-Signage: Ihre Lösung aus einer Hand für intelligente Business-DisplaysEdelstahlbeckenErdsondenbohrung, Brunnenbohrung, SonderverlängerungenFiLine - OnlineshopFitLine Gelenkfit - Zur Pflege beanspruchter GelenkeFitLine,Powercocktail,RestorateFleischverarbeitung, Schlachten, MaschinenHolzbau WohnungsbauHornetsecurity Offsite-Kopie (Cloud Backup).Hotelpools aus ChromstahlMaurerMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungMicrosoft 365 BackupNilfisk BodenreinigungsgeräteNilfisk HochdruckreinigerNilfisk SaugerPermanent Make Up - Augen Permanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Permanent Make Up - Lippen PhotovoltaikanlagePrivate AussenpoolsWAB Zentralschweiz