Hygiene Centre

The hygiene centre HC-PRIMUS-2 is designed for companies in the processed food and canteen industries and is a combination of the sole and sole side cleaning machine PRIMUS II, a wash basin with sensor activation, soap dispenser SDS, paper towel dispenser HS and waste paper basket PK-D-35.

A canister holder for the wall mounting of the cleaning agent used in the sole and sole edge cleaning machine is also included.

Siphon, joints and gaskets and small parts are not included.


  • Wall-mounted version: HC-PRIMUS-2-W
  • Mounted soap and/or disinfectant dispenser
  • Intergated backflow preventer, Cat. 4


700 mm
460 mm
1600 mm
Electrical connection sensor
230 V
Water connection
3/4" max. 43 °C, HW 1/2", KW 1/2"
Water outlet
DN 50

Products / Accessories

Baumaschinenmechaniker/inBlechverarbeitungBlechverarbeitung und DrahtverarbeitungBrandingCreanetErdsondenbohrung, Brunnenbohrung, SonderverlängerungenErdsondenbohrungenFiLine - OnlineshopInfrarotkabine PuraBagnoKaminfeger Koch :: Kaminfaegerdienst, Feuerungskontrolle, BrandschutzKommunikation & Design MaurerMessestand & Point of SaleMicrosoft 365 BackupNilfisk BodenreinigungsgeräteNilfisk SaugerPhotovoltaikanlagePrivate InnenpoolsRandabschlüsse Creabeton Plattenbeläge Betonplatten Creabeton Treppenstufen BlockstufenSEO & SEA Strategie SEO Agentur LuzernVerpackungsdesignVinYara WeinshopWebdesignWebdesign Luzern Sursee Zug Zürich