If it is to automatically lead to the best result: Automatic grinders from K+G

As independent as your employees, the automatic grinder also makes its contribution to the best possible product quality. The raw materials are conveyed automatically by a feeder worm in the bottom of the hopper to the meat worm. The individual components are perfectly coordinated – for your perfect results.

  • Special two-worm principle ensures a clear cut via a continuous filling flow
  • Manual or pneumatic sorting device for special meat processing
  • Clever ejecting device for worm and cutting set
  • Simple operation thanks to clear membrane keyboard
  • Removable feeder worm for easier cleaning


Administration power
– 134 kg/min. / -200 kg/min. / 22000 kg / h
360 l / 360 l / 575 l
Connecting power
32.5 kW / 52.1 kW / 104.8 kW & 121.8 kW
400 V / 50 Hz
80 A / 100 A / 200 A & 250 A
2185 mm
1460 mm / 1460 mm / 1250 mm
1830 mm / 1830 mm / 2330 mm
1650 kg / 1730 kg / 3940 kg

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