Used machines

First class from second hand.

Automatic grinder K+G AW G160 Typ 408

Automatic grinder K+G AW G160 Typ 408

Automatic grinders AWD 114-412

Automatic grinders AWD 114-412

Calf head scraper KFS-2-120

Calf head scraper KFS-2-120

Charging twin Combistar type TS

Charging twin Combistar type TS

Clipper TA/N 23K

Clipper TA/N 23K

Cooking kettle Talsa MERA 200lt.

Cooking kettle Talsa MERA 200lt.

Cooling tumbler REWI KTU 180

Cooling tumbler REWI KTU 180

Derinding machine Maja AEM 438

Derinding machine Maja AEM 438

Derinding machine Maja AEM 438

Derinding machine Maja AEM 438

Electric grinder EWD 114 403 FT

Electric grinder EWD 114 403 FT

Electric grinder Kolbe LW82

Electric grinder Kolbe LW82

Electric grinder Talsa W130-U5

Electric grinder Talsa W130-U5

Expansion machine Baader B600

Expansion machine Baader B600

Flake ice machine SAH 250 L

Flake ice machine SAH 250 L

Flake ice machine SAH 85 L

Flake ice machine SAH 85 L

Hot air steamer Convotherm OES 6.10 mini

Hot air steamer Convotherm OES 6.10 mini

Input control unit EK 400 W

Input control unit EK 400 W

Knife grinding machine Sharpymax 40

Knife grinding machine Sharpymax 40

Metal detector THS/MS21

Metal detector THS/MS21

Patty former RBF 125

Patty former RBF 125

Pökomat P14 / 280 SM-OD

Pökomat P14 / 280 SM-OD

Scalding and Dehairing machine NSKL 12

Scalding and Dehairing machine NSKL 12

Schnitzel press type L

Schnitzel press type L

Skinning and derinding machine Maja FEM 436

Skinning and derinding machine Maja FEM 436

Skinning machine Maja EVM 3000 Compressed air

Skinning machine Maja EVM 3000 Compressed air

Skinning machine Maja EVM 437

Skinning machine Maja EVM 437

Splitting and band saw EFA SB 287 E

Splitting and band saw EFA SB 287 E

Splitting and band saw Freund SB 286 E

Splitting and band saw Freund SB 286 E

Thawing cabinet RITH

Thawing cabinet RITH

Tumbler Rühle MKR 130

Tumbler Rühle MKR 130

Vacuum filler RVF 55 / KVF 55

Vacuum filler RVF 55 / KVF 55

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