Rotary filter

Pökomat has developed a rotary filter that is quick and easy to clean. It is a 3-component system. At the inlet is a rotary slot filter. Thereafter, the solution passes through a hole filter before arriving at the suction slot filter. All filters are made of stainless steel. The rotary filter can be used in various different process-stages/positions in conjunction with Pökomat machines from P40 upwards.

The next features are particulary for the Rotary filter:

• This practical rotation filter system guarantees an interruption-free full-time operation
• Splitter wall filter made from stainless steel, which meets highest industrial requirements
• This rotation filter system can be used with machines from Pökomat P40
• 3-fold filter system for the highest possible filter productivity
• During the development special consideration was given to an easy and fast cleaning • process


220 l
1280 mm
530 mm
550 mm
400 V / 50 Hz
Stainless steel and food-suited plastics

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