Pökomat P78

The precise and reliable industrial multi-needle-injector Pökomat P78 SM Touch allows you to profitably produce consistently cured products. The tried and tested Pökomat-concept gives you all the technical and economic advantages. The Pökomat P78 SM Touch is a programcontrolled multi-needle-injector with touch-screen control and is built to the latest technical standards.
The self-explanatory control panel enables the operator to achieve the highest safety standards and consistent products possible. This machine is equipped with a diaphragm pump which have the following advantages: non return system, self-priming, and dry running capability.
The Pökomat P 78 SM Touch has the advantage that the pump and all piping is located underneath the conveyor belt. The housing is completely sealed from the upper zone. This design allows the use of different pumping systems. Maintenance is hassle free as the whole unit is built on a removable sliding carriage.

The next features are particulary for the P78:

• Program-controlled machine for industrial usage
• Made for the processing of meat, fish and poultry
• Without tools removable conveyor belt for easy cleaning
• Diaphragm pump system can be run safely when dry
• Non-return-system provides high level of hygiene and operating safety


diaphragm air pressure pump
Injection pressure
3 bar
Passage height
245 mm
Passage width
750 mm
Strokes per minute
20 - 80
Conveyor belt
Plastic grid belt
Conveyor belt advance
17, 24 mm and 40 mm
Stainless steel and food-suited plastics
4 kW
400 V / 50 Hz
2200 mm
1250 mm
2150 mm
925 Kg

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