Grinding service

We are keen on your knives.

Meat processing machines usually run at full speed. The sharpness of the knives used must be 100% reliable.

This is the only way to achieve the quality that you taste at the end. Our sharpening service makes it easy for you.
If the performance of your cutter knives, sickle ring knives, perforated discs, pre-cutters and much more deteriorates, we will ensure that they are properly sharpened again within the shortest possible time.

With our modern grinding and polishing center, we are at your side as a professional partner.

The special transport boxes ensure that you also receive your grinding goods back safe and sharp.

For more information on prices and processing times, please call or write to us.
We are here for you! Convince yourself.

Grinding service
Grinding service
Grinding service
Grinding service
Grinding service
Grinding service
Grinding service
Grinding service
Grinding service
Grinding service

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