Service / Customer Service

Our service team in house and on the road for you.

Our specialists are well equipped for a repair in our spacious workshop in Malters. A modern infrastructure, serious planning and good know-how enable you to have the machines to be repaired in the best possible time. An extensive stock of spare parts supports you in this.

To ensure that your production runs smoothly at all times, our maintenance professionals are on the road with top-equipped service vehicles. In the office, our dedicated specialists will support you with your questions and concerns. We look forward to your order and, in accordance with our business principle, assure you of clean, impeccable workmanship and quality.

Call us or write us!

Tel. +41 (0)41 499 90 00

Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service
Service / Customer Service

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